
10 Destinos Top para celebrar un incentivo

Cuando hablamos de Incentivos nos vienen muchas definiciones a la cabeza, pero ¿qué es realmente un incentivo? Un incentivo es aquello que te motiva, o que simplemente te da ese empujón que necesitas ante una adversidad.  Si hablamos en concreto de incentivos corporativos, son los que se convierten en un efectivo recurso para lograr equipos comprometidos y eficaces. El origen de los incentivos corporativos se remonta a la...

Slow, the movement of the future

Slow, the movement of the future

The Slow movement is to show us how you can lead a full life, without hurry, making each person control their existence and take ownership of it. The Slow movement has its beginning in the Plaza España in Rome (Italy) in 1986 and is the result of a certain attitude by the journalist Carlo Petrini when...

10 characteristics of hotel terraces to host events

10 characteristics of hotel terraces to host events

The terraces of the hotels have become an essential of urban leisure willing to quench the heat, being seen in more exclusive environments, enjoying an evening with endless possibilities, of "skylines" that will leave you speechless, mj´ñxcfd parties , afterworks of companies ... Summer is ending but the good weather that September and October offers...

The Cocktail, beyond a drink

The Cocktail, beyond a drink

Summer asks us for refresh in all its modalities: cold water baths, fridge drinks, shadows and breezes. In the category of refreshing drink, and festive at the same time, are cocktails. These careful preparations that delight our palate and senses, and that we must keep at bay if we do not want them to cloud our...

10 reasons for not making holidays in August

10 reasons for not making holidays in August

Summer vacations: the reward for all the working hours of the year. A dedication to spaces for corporate events, which we love and are passionated about, and that also wrap us, and moves us away from other chores … It’s nothing new, the events industry is like that and we assume it. It is also...

“MICE addicts” in Vilar Rural Sant Hilari Sacalm

“MICE addicts” in Vilar Rural Sant Hilari Sacalm

On May 10, the team of Vilar Rural de Sant Hilari Sacalm and Ouisellyou, made a fam trip called “Adventure in the natural park of Montseny”. This Vilar Rural Sant Hilari Sacalm is a 4 star rural hotel for the corporate market during the week and families on weekends and holiday periods.  Located in the heart...

Fam Trip La Caminera en tierras del Quijote

Fam Trip La Caminera en tierras del Quijote

On March 15 and 16, Ouisellyoutogether with the Hotel La Caminera Club de Campomade possible one of the most beautiful Fam Trips of Castilla La Mancha. This experience called “La Caminera en tierras del Quijote” wanted its guests to discover this wonderful hotel and this spectacular land rich in natural spaces, delicious cuisine and immense...

The best views for your events

The best views for your events

In Barcelona, the most cosmopolitan city in Spain, we have a history with a great monumental heritage and an intense cultural, commercial and creative life. Its streets invite you to discover an environment of diversity and avant-garde that you can only understand if you come to visit it. One of the most famous streets of...

Discovering the cuisine of “EL MAMA Y LA PAPA”

Discovering the cuisine of “EL MAMA Y LA PAPA”

  ALVARO GARCÉS, THE CHEF OF MAMA Formed in the kitchens of the Basque chef, with whom he began working at the age of 17 in the restaurant of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao (1 * Michelin) and later in the Martín Berasategui Restaurant in Lasarte (3 * Michelin), he has also worked with other...