10 reasons for not making holidays in August

OuiSellYou - 10 razones para No hacer vacaciones en Agosto 616*324

Summer vacations: the reward for all the working hours of the year. A dedication to spaces for corporate events, which we love and are passionated about, and that also wrap us, and moves us away from other chores …
It’s nothing new, the events industry is like that and we assume it. It is also true that the dynamics of this MICE market invite us to take a vacation in the summer months, especially August.

FAKE NEWS: Barcelona is motionless in August

I remember during an inspection visit for an event, in the space where I was working at the time, the Palacio de Congresos de Catalunya-Barcelona, ​​which, speaking with an English client, told me that she was wondering to make the site visit in August as all his acquaintances and colleagues told her that during that month all in Barcelona was closed, almost abandoned. The client saw in situ that it was not that much. It is true that there is less activity, but everything is running. The city no longer stops, it is more alive than ever, we open the terraces and greet the sea.

And that makes us consider the advantages of NOT taking vacations in August, when only part of the events sector is absent from the office.

Here are our 10 reasons:

1. Avoid the warm weather. We stayed in an air-conditioned space, seeing the sultry weather through the window and thanking us for not having to leave that confortable ambiance until later in the afternoon.
2. Getting around your city to go to see a space for events or do a message by car has no comparison: half-empty lanes to the red light. A luxury for a city like Barcelona with a fleet of 580,000 cars and 280,000 motorcycles.
3. Parking is also much easier. There are free blue areas in the city as there is greater rotation. However, the great time when the blue zone was not to be paid in August has been left behind. That was a luxury in Barcelona!
4. Those of us who work in August are spread with the festive atmosphere, with joy and “good vibes”, and we extrapolate it to our relationships with colleagues in the events industry. We have a more relaxed treatment, time to talk a little more about things that have nothing to do with events or spaces for events.
5. August gives us moments, time to invite colleagues from the MICE segment to visit our spaces or have a coffee to catch up on the news.
6. August is the month to place order in our workplace. And we mean both the physical space and all the folders and files we have on the computer about events, spaces, strategies, statistics … We will gain space!
7. The fresh air of the morning, the tranquility, the cool ambiance in the office, the few interruptions allow us to sit before that blank sheet to state our vision of the future: objectives to be achieved and how to achieve them.
8. And while others rest and have fun, we steal time from the time and get ready to tackle the month of September: events, spaces, workshops, visits, social networks, blog, updating our bbdd to have everyone informed upon your return. Ready to go!
9. We all know, August is the month in which we all travel for vacations, which implies higher rates in any service and agglomerations. Travel during other months of the year does not usually have this strong impact on rates.
10. If you stay in your city, you will live it differently. You will go out for dinner and share space with people from other places. You will see through their eyes and discover things that were in front of you and that you had never appreciated.

Have we convinced you? OuisellYou does not close on vacation, so among all of us we combine to enjoy these advantages of August Month and also live our well deserved vacation. We do half-half, and it works for us.

Happy Holidays. Happy work.


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